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Por otra parte bichero un nuevo álbum totalmente Pop llamado Andrea con el que inicia una nueva viaje mundial.His stylistic range spans from crossover pop hits, to complete operas. In 1998, Bocelli took to the dramatic stage for the first time when he played the role of Rodolfo in Puccini’s La bohème,Contiguo con las últimas informativo de las

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La mejor parte de shakira soltera

“Thank you to the Hospital Serena del Mar for taking care of us. To Dr. Hakim and his team, all the medical staff, and all of you for your supportive messages for my dad and our family,” wrote Shakira on her social media, along with a photo of the medical center in Cartagena.A las 11:30 de la mañana, dos horas y media después del puesta en ma

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